Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why the Name

Some of you may have stumbled onto this blog and thought, why the name? Well, it basically summarizes my life to this point. In fact, if you were in my catholic elementary classes with me you would have heard this phrase several times a day. I talk. Alot. I talk out of turn. All the time. I speak my mind and have an opinion about everything.

This blog is for my wife (Cayce), my family in NY, all of my friends and most of all for me. I intend on blogging on a semi-regular basis about subjects or news where I have an opinion. If you are interested, leave comments or questions. In advance, forgive my poor grammar. I'm a product of the New York State education system and this was not stressed enough to me. Cayce is good enough to be an editor, so on the occasion that I do demonstrate good grammar, know that she has proofed my post.

Now onto the first topic.....

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